What are DWI Driving Schools For?

Learn about the laws that apply to driving while intoxicated in a certain jurisdiction.

DWI Driving Schools

A driving while intoxicated (DWI) driving school is a state-approved institution that offers courses to individuals who have been convicted of DWI. In such courses, a DWI offender learns how alcohol affects his body as well as the ramifications of a DWI offense.  After an individual is found guilty of such offense, he may be sentenced to attend a DWI driving school. The person can attend the school depending on the seriousness of the charge he gets.  The court system may not require an offender to attend a DWI school in some jurisdictions. However, he may still attend it if he wants to get back his driver’s license.

Enrolling in a DWI driving school will give drug and alcohol education to an individual. In the course, he will learn about the laws that apply to driving while intoxicated in his certain jurisdiction. Such incidents will cause not only driver’s license suspension and jail but also possible fatal accidents. Usually, the school offers not just in-class education of the effects of driving while intoxicated because they may require offenders to participate in field trips through which they will be able to witness the devastation that is caused by DWI offenders. The field trip could be visiting a hospital or morgue where offenders can see the victims of DWI accidents.

A DWI driving school typically educates offenders in a classroom setting or through online instructions. The schedule of these classes could be on the weekend or in the evenings to cater to the availability of individuals at their own convenience. This is to accommodate people who work or go to school at daytime. When a person completes this course, he will be given a certificate of completion that he can present to the judge that he has finished the course.

Most jurisdictions do not recognize a difference between a DWI and DUI or driving under the influence. But, in some states, they actually don’t use DUI at all. The only distinction of the two terms has to do with the federal level. A DWI is regarded by the federal government as a higher charge that applies to an individual’s blood alcohol level that reaches 0.08 and anything under this amount is regarded a DUI. In this case, there are particular conditions that must be met like the incident as a first offense, the blood alcohol was not over the legal limit and the remorseful behavior of the defendant.

A zero tolerance policy has been recognized by some states and they do not recognize a difference between DUI and DWI. According to the laws of these states, it is always a crime when the person’s blood alcohol goes over the limit that must be punishable in some ways. In other states, DWI and DUI are used to identify whether an individual was driving impaired under the influence of alcohol or drug. In such case, DUI is referred to the use of illegal drugs. You will learn more about these laws in the DWI driving school that you will enroll in.

In general, the court procedure for a person who is charged of DWI for the first time is simple; however, it is likely to vary between states. As both the defendant and the accusing party face the judge, evidence like a sobriety test result is presented t the judge who will determine the guilt and sentence for the accused. The judge may refer the accused to a DWI driving school.

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