In a driving education class, a student driver will learn about traffic violations. That is, a violation against any traffic rule or regulation constitute a corresponding consequence that must be answered and faced by the driver. No one is immune to this treatment of traffic violation because anybody who commits direct violations against the standing rules and regulations of the road will be issued a violation ticket.
Back in the driving school, when you commits a mistake, say you failed to strap the seatbelt properly, you will get a nice reprimand from your driving education instructor. Not so with the traffic enforcers, when you commit a violation, you need to get a nice copy of the violation ticket. The violation ticket or a citation contains the code or the section of the traffic law that you violated and is duly issued by the state traffic enforcer with considerable authority. Most common violations include overspeeding, turning off signals, overdue parking, and wrong parking without permits.
If you had a good driving education from a certified driving school, you are not immune to citations. Occasional mistakes happen anytime – and traffic laws are just ready to give you a long oration of the statutes that you violated or injured. Each citation corresponds to a specific amount of fine that is duly assigned depending on the gravity of the mistake. With a citation, you need to settle it in many ways you can do.
Mainly, you may appear pay the fine of the citation. You go to the state traffic department and pay the citation that you incurred. It is necessary to pay your violation tickets on time to avoid facing the consequences. Secondly, you may choose not to pay the violation ticket and contest the ticket issuance before the court. Those who feel and think they are complying with the requirements of the law, as they have learned from a driving education of a past driving school, mostly seek the protection and impunity of the court for proper redress.
If you choose not to pay your citation, your first consideration is a bad traffic record. That is, you traffic record will be full of violations and offenses, which speaks what kind of driver you are. Yes, in paying the violation ticket or the citation, you will be able to clear the traffic record, making the record good as the license was first issued. With a bad traffic, you will have a hard time settling things when you renew the driver’s license. Even if you have a good driving education from a driving school if you have traffic violations, a bad traffic record can erased every good thing of your training.
On another thought, a bad traffic record will give you a negative insurance rating. Yes, because car insurance is a necessity that must be provided, it would be hard for you to get discounts and bargains of the insurance premium. In the end, as it turns out, you need to pay large amount of premium just to pay the same policy because of the high risks in traffic.
To settle this problems, both financially and legally, it is advisable to pay the citation a month after issuance of such violation. It will help to clean your traffic record making it as new as possible, and giving you the benefit of insurance coverages, as well as getting a renewed license.
It is necessary for you to attend driving education from a driving school to understand the traffic laws of the state. Yes, each state may differ in its own traffic rules and regulations. Felonies and aggravated misdemeanor can be part of the consequences that you need to pay by not paying violations.