Impairment of Drunk Drivers

Learn To Keep Safe On The Road While Driving

Drunk Driving

To better understand the intent of the driving school to keep the road safe from accidents and crashing incidents, it is necessary to go to the details of drunk driving. Truth be told, driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the top reasons why there are accidents that are happening in the United States, and even the whole world. Retracing deaths due to road accidents, drinking is a relative matter that must be explored for the basis of education.

So how would the alcohol content of the blood can impair the entire driving capabilities of the person?

  • Physical Reaction.  The driving school expounds the extent of the alcohol impairment to the physical body of the person. When the alcohol travels to the blood vessels, the blood oxygen content would be diluted with the alcohol spirit. During this period, the cells of the body would take in the alcohol spirit or content as part of its basic food system, causing tremendous outflows and reduction of the oxygen production of the entire cellular system.


Of course, the driving school cannot bring its own control of the person’s body. Basically, alcohol is a depressant, which takes into account the process as described above. As the alcohol concentration in the blood increases, the numbness of the body parts, due to cellular reaction to alcohol, increases. In such a case, it would be impossible for the body to quickly react to situations on the road.


  • Mental Reaction. Far worse than the physical reaction impairment is the mental reaction impairment. As the same process goes with the oxygen production and flow, the brain of the person decreases its ability to react to situations. In fact, it is said that drunk individuals would forget everything about the event. There are troopers who would issue and send drunk drivers to jail, but the convicted person may not be able to realize the problem, until morning comes.


The judgment of the person starts to deem into nothing. This is the scare of every driving school instructor. The hallucination effect and the mental reduction of oxygen flow with the impact of the alcohol spirit cause tremendous failure to the ability of the person to judge things and situation on the road with proper perspective.


  • Emotional Surges. Lastly, the final act of the driving school education betrayal is the result of the two reaction impairments. Emotional surges due to the mental judgment; the driver may think that he or she is alone in the road. As such, pride would naturally crawl into the heart of the driver. As the emotion of the person changes, his or her ability to control the urge to drive faster would be impossibility.

So much more with the pressure from peers, the driving school fear of the driving under the influence increases. Because the emotions of the person have changed, his or her reaction to the pressure from peers would be very high causing tremendous problem mindset of the driver.

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