Driver’s Education Completion Certificate Expiration

Learn how to obtain a driving education certification of completion.

Passing The Driving Examination

An online driver’s education guarantees passing the driving examinations, both theory and practical examinations, as required by the Department of Motor Vehicle or the Department of Public Safety. After completing the online driver’s education course, a certificate is issued to graduates of the program. The certificate is presented to the driver’s license office for the approval of the driver’s license application.

Students accepted in the online driver’s education must be at least 15 ½ years old. By the time the student finishes the driving education program, he or she is already legible to apply for the driver’s license. However, what if you have taken the online driver’s education course five months ago – and you want to apply for the license – can you still use the driving education certification of completion?

The driving education course completion certificate expires in a year, as in case of the live driving school.  The DMV or the DPS does not honor the certificate after a year from the data of issuance. If you need to get the learner’s permit, apply for the permit immediately after you get the certificate. Because the learner’s permit expires in 6 months, it is necessary to upgrade for the intermediate license or permit, which requires you to present another driving education course completion certificate.

Applying for the learner’s permit immediately after issuance can buy you time to seek the upgrading to intermediate license – and still use the driving education course completion certificate.

For online driver’s education course, the certificate expires in 6 months. When you need to upgrade the learner’s permit, the driver’s license office will not honor the certificate. It is necessary to attend a new driving education program from an online driving school. For a note, live driving school costs bigger than online driving schools.

Once the online driver’s education course completion certificate expires, you will be required to re-take the course from the same driving school or from another training center. There are programs designed to refresh and reinforce the knowledge of the person about driving. The lessons may reflect similarity with the last course you have taken, but you can still get updates on driving.

In the same manner, for those who already have their full license – and need only to attend the online driver’s education course to get benefits from insurance rate reduction or to eliminate any record of the traffic history – the completion certificate still expires 6 months after the data of issuance. For the reduction of the insurance rate, the certificate serves only within the semester from the issuance.

The expiration of the driving education program is designed by the state, particularly the DMV or the DPS, to ensure updates of the driving knowledge of any person on the road. Others are not interested to attend the online driver’s education, but with the completion certificate expiration, a person determines to finish the course for reasons mentioned above.

You can always benefit from driving schools that offer affordable and cheaper driving education courses. Refresher courses for adult drivers are also designed for updates with the underlying benefits. Take the online driver’s education course now and enjoy the benefits of the completion certificate in an instant.

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